Greetings chatters!
Well unless you have been living under a rock, you probably are already fully aware of this serious disease that has been spreading around the globe. The Corona Virus (also known as COVID-19) has already claimed many lives and many infected cases have been announced around the world.
We wanted to take this time to just remind all of you of the safety precautions that you should take. First thing to get out of the way is to let you know is that this virus cannot be acquired through online chatting. (Thank, God!)
What should we all do to help keep safe?
We recommend, for the time being, that people who are older and those who have some underlying sickness, avoid highly crowded places. Another safety measure you can take is to always wash your hands especially going outside. When washing your hands, I would suggest a good 20 seconds with soap and water. If you do need to be in crowded places, we suggest wearing a proper face mask. (Such as an N-95 rated mask) If you have any questions on the proper mask to use, please refer to a professional who sells masks.
If you show any symptoms of the illness including fever, coughs, and shortness of breath to seek medical help. It is better to be safe than sorry.
The safest place you can be right now is inside your homes. As we all know, this leads to boredom. The perfect cure is to launch one of our chat rooms and enjoy yourselves while this deadly disease passes. We are also preparing for any increase in demand for our chat rooms over the next several weeks.
We will all get through this and everybody stay safe!