Hey Everyone! We have receive a few requests recently regarding error messages seen when uploading a profile picture. The reason for the error is because recently we implemented a new tool in our non-adult chat rooms that assist in the detection of nudity in profile pictures. The power of AI is on full display! While…
Cheers to 2025
Hey Everyone! We wanted to wish everyone a very happy new year! We hope 2024 was great for everyone and wishing a very healthy and happy 2025 for everyone. This year will see some exciting changes as we will be upgrading our chat software to the latest version in the coming weeks. There will be…
Deleting your chat account
Hey Everyone! We have received several requests to support asking how to delete your own chat account. The answer is quite simple. Navigate to your profile by clicking your Avatar in the top right corner and then clicking the “Edit Profile” link. From that screen you will click “More”. From there simply select the…
New Themes in our Chat Rooms
Hey Everyone! Hope everyone is doing well. From time to time we update our software and add additional features and functions that we feel are beneficial for the user experience. If you have not noticed already, we have added new themes in our chat rooms to choose from. Previously you were only limited to…
Happy New Year for 2024!
Hey Everyone! Wow, time sure flies. It is now 2024! Want to wish everyone in our community a very Happy New Year! 2024 will mark our 25th Anniversary. Again, time sure flies. This website cannot be possible without your strong support. We really do have the most loyal group of chatters on the internet. …