Dear Valued Chatters: Outages are never a good thing! Today (or yesterday depending where you are in the world) we experienced a service outage for our chat forums and some of our chat rooms. We want to deeply apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. The outage was beyond our control and…
Update to our chat software is currently underway
Hey Everyone! If you haven’t noticed already, we would like to officially announce that our chat rooms are currently under an extensive upgrade. The update will be done over a span of a few weeks. We feel that the users will thoroughly enjoy this new update. Although a lot of the changes are…
Happy New Year 2023!
Hey chatters! We hope that 2022 was a memorable year for you. 2023 will bring some new changes to our chat rooms that we are all excited about. We hope to launch an update to our software that should see some real cool changes. As of now, we do not have any specific details or timelines but…
The Chat Room Quiz
Hey Everyone! We hope you are enjoying the summer (or winter depending where you are) months. We wanted to take the time to talk about the chat room quiz games found in most chat rooms. In most of the rooms, you will find a room called the “Quiz Room”. Simply click that room to…
Happy New Year 2022
Hey everyone! Happy New Year Another challenging year has passed by. We are entering a new year of even more challenges. Let us all savour our achievements and forget about our disappointments of 2021. 2022 will be another great year for #1 Chat Avenue. We expect some new exciting features to be added…