Recently, we got a message from a user who was scammed on Skype. Here is his story:
Dear Administrator,
I went to your adult chat room. I’m 18 years and older. I chatted with someone who
claims that they are 15 years old. According to your adult site policy, you prohibit
users from entering your site who are under the age of 18. This user violated your
policy. The user claimed that they are 15 years oldwhen their actually older than
their age. They provided their skype id: live: -deleted- in the chatbox.
I have a Masters in Cyber Security. I decided to add this user to my fake skype id
to verify their whereabouts. The user accepted my invite from skype and they
informed me that they were 15 years old as on the adult chat room. I went along with
the user’s conversation with caution. I speculated that it was a scam from
this user. The age 15 ringed a bell in my head. I didn’t do a call on skype from
the user where they will see my face on skype and record it. The user asked me if
they can send me nude pictures of themselves and I told them to do so to play
along with their scam. She sent me various pics and few videos of her nude.
My laptop was hacked at that point with me being unaware and the person who
hacked into my computer used a software to turn on my web cam without my
permission which is illegal. When I realized my webcam was on, I know something was
wrong and checked my device to see if I turned it on by mistake. But that wasn’t the
case. The hacker opened up my web browser withoutmy authority and tells me that
they are an organization protecting children under the age of 21 from predators. But, what the hacker didn’t know is that I wasn’t a predator. I was
trying to gather enough information onthe skype user and report them to your adult
site. What I was going to do at the moment when the skype user said that they were
going to cam on skype with me, I was going to remove the user and block them from
skype, but because my laptop was hacked I was unable to do so.
Theyposted a picture of me from their site using my web cam which is illegal. They
were able to trace my ip address and location of my address. I was humiliated from
what occurred at that moment. That being said, the hacker was threatening me that
if I don’t pay anamount of $920.00 to them, they will keep my picture posted on
their website. I tried explaining myself thatit is illegal for a 15 year old to send
nude pictures to someone older thantheir age. They said I’m the one who committed
the crime which is false. So,I decided to pay the amount. They asked for my email
so they can send me an invoice through paypal with the amount of $920.00. I used
my bank of america credit card to make payment and the transaction went through. I
went back to the hacker and informed them that I made the payment. In just a
fewm inutes, they removed my picture from their site and asked me to exit their site.
After I exit the site, for some reason my laptop rebooted without my authority. I
believe the hacker was responsible for the reboot. I saw a lot of pictures of guys
where theirpictures were posted on the website who were hacked just like me. I
couldn’t take a screenshot of the organization’s site because my device was hacked at
the time. I called my bank and paypal and reported the incident. Here’s the site of
the organization that hacked into my laptop: -URL Deleted- . Please see
attachment.Regards, -Name Deleted-
This is a reminder to everybody. Do not share personal information with anyone, and certainly do not go on cam with them especially if you don’t know them.