Hello everyone! Recently we have received many users saying that they cannot login into the chat rooms either because of a blank white screen or a flash file not loading, etc. These issues started since Flash updated their software recently. We have set up a Help Page for users experiencing these issues. Please follow the…
Category: Chat Rooms
Tips when you’re new in Chat Avenue
What are some tips in making friends in the chatroom 1. Choose a name– choosing a name is somewhat creating an identity for you online. So its best if you chooose one that is non-pervy or aggressive(unless that is your target). Because most chatters would not want to chat with guest because they feel that…
Please use the webcams with caution!
Hello chatters We want to take this time now to remind everyone of the dangers of using webcams. Please be careful of what you show on webcam. Others maybe recording you on webcam and my use your actions against you. It is best to only approve webcam viewing to those users who you know and…
Webcams and #1 Chat Avenue
As you probably know by now….#1 Chat Avenue has webcam features available in almost every room. It is very important that you use webcams safely. Keep in mind that other users may be recording your actions and could use them against you in the future. There is absolutely no nudity allowed on our cams. If…
Oh, how times have changed
Some of you may actually remember this…here is how this website looked back in the summer of 2000. A link to Yahoo!? Seriously?