Hey Everyone! Hope you all are having or had a good summer. As some of you may have heard a long time ago, Flash technology support is coming to an end. As of late 2020 (Dec 31, 2020), Google Chrome will no longer support Flash in their browser. Other browsers such as Safari have…
Category: Chat Rooms
New chat software update!
Hello everyone! Just to give you a brief update. The new chat we are building is still a work in progress. We ran into a few roadblocks along the way. The latest was an idiot web developer who was unable to finish the job he was assigned. We have found a new developer…
VIP Upgrade
Hello friends: We have recently been asked may questions about VIP so we wanted to give a brief summary of what exactly is VIP in our chat. First and foremost, the VIP upgrade only applies to our modern chats. (The classic flashchat rooms do not have this option) Depending on which of our chat…
New chat application UPDATE!
It has been a while since we gave everyone an update on how the new chat application is coming along. Right now we are in the final stages of webcam implementation. This should be completed shortly. We want to make sure everything is functioning properly before we release it for live use. Attached is an…
New chat room coming soon?
Hello everyone! By now you may have heard some rumors that we are getting some new chat rooms to replace our existing flash chat rooms. The answer to that is, yes we are! We are currently in development of a brand new chat application that we are confident you will all enjoy. …