Welcome to the VIP section. Please read the following information regarding the VIP upgrade option found in all of our chat rooms.
What features do I get?
The following is a list of special features available to VIP users. Please note that each room is subject to variations of this. Please visit the chat room to find out up to date information as to what features and options are received when upgrading to VIP.
- Change your username. (with Gold)
- Create and administer your own chat room.
- Earn gold at a faster rate than regular users.
- Access to gifts not available to regular users.
- Share your gold with other users.
- Post Youtube videos directly into the chat room.
- Use animated background cover images.
- Check message history up to the last message history purge.
- Use gradient and neon colors for names and text messages.
- Receive a special diamond icon next to your name.
- Appear at the top of the userlist.
- Easier use of the image system.
- Use a special drawing feature.
- No accidental bans by our word spam system.
- Disable in-chat text ads.
- Allowed to use a VPN to connect and not get kicked out automatically by the system.
- Go invisible in the chat room.
- All future VIP features and upgrades as long as you are VIP.
How do I pay for it?
Within each chat room there is a VIP link on the left side menu. Click that to follow the instructions. You can use a debit card or credit card to make a purchase through our secure payment gateway. Please make sure you fill out all the fields that are required. You can also purchase directly by clicking the diamond icon found on the bottom right. Video chat VIP purchases will need to be made by contacting us.
You can also make a donation to this website that will also entitle you to VIP membership as long as your donation matches or exceeds the cost of the tier of VIP you are looking for.
After making your purchase, if you have any inquiries about VIP, you will need to email: [email protected] and specify "VIP Inquiry" as your subject.
What if I want do donate VIP to another user?
You can use the same VIP link on the left found in the chat rooms and click the "Donate" button instead. You will need to follow the instructions. The most important piece of information we need is the username of the person you want to donate a VIP membership to. Please ensure the user you are donating to is a registered user. Guests cannot become VIPs. Donations are normally processed within a few hours.
I paid but my VIP was not issued. I was charged also. (Some may even see a blank white screen on completion)
Sometimes payments are blocked by your bank or card issuer. Whether it is a credit card, prepaid gift card, or debit card there are various reasons for a transaction being declined. Some of the reasons include insufficient funds, wrong card number, wrong cvc numbers or flagged as being fraudulent. Another reason could be your bank is declining the transaction for their own reasons. If you feel that the transaction should go through are sure this might be the reason, we would suggest you contact your bank and instruct them to process or 'whitelist' the transaction or provide an explanation as to why the transaction was rejected. Usually if you tell them to allow international online transactions that should work. If you are using a prepaid gift card and the transaction does not go through than in all likelihood, it has been blocked from online transactions. (more specifically, international online payments) If you receive a white screen, this is a good indication that the transaction was not processed. If you see a charge on your bank statement and have not received your VIP, it will drop off within a few days and you will not be charged.
Can the features and functions given to VIP members be subject to change?
Yes, from time to time we do review the features and functions given to VIP members. They are always subject to change. We sometimes need to remove some features but in most cases new additional features are added.
Do you offer refunds on VIP?
No, we do not offer any refunds. There are no exceptions. Please do not purchase unless you are sure you want to have VIP. We also do not offer refunds on users who have been banned because of a violation of our terms of use or other chat rules. Finally, no refunds are offered to those who simply do not want to use this website anymore or who no longer have access to their account (such as lost emails and password access).
If there was a duplicate payment made, we would issue a refund.
Verification of VIP Purchases
Please note that we do not tolerate fraudulent purchases. We will always cooperate and inform law enforcement if such attempts are made. Also, you may not log into another users account to purchases VIP for them. There are serious risks in giving out your password to other people. This includes the person completely taking over your account. We reserve the right to, from time to time, investigate a payment. You maybe be asked some questions related to the payment. If proof of ownership of the bank card is requested, we would do so only in a safe way. We will never ask you to send your full bank or credit card number.I receive an error message when trying to make a payment. What can I do?
If you are having issues with making a payment for VIP or Gold and are sure there is nothing wrong with your bank card, please reach out to us. You will need to email: [email protected] and specify "VIP Payment Issues" as your subject.
Upon expiration of your VIP membership, you will receive a private message notification. We do not automatically renew VIP memberships. If you would like to continue you VIP membership after expiry, you must purchase it again.VIP status will not be reinstated or transferred to a user's account if they delete their account, create a new one, or lose access due to their own actions.
We hope you enjoy the VIP features that we provide. Happy chatting.