This is an important section of the site because it helps to ensure the safety of our users and the general public. We continually work with law enforcement agencies around the world. Due to the popularity of #1 Chat Avenue, we have hundreds of thousands of users coming and going throughout the day. While the vast majority of users do not have any issues, we occasionally have some "bad apples" pass through our website to disrupt other users or attempt to commit illegal acts.
How can I file a request?
We only take requests from official law enforcement. If you are part of a law enforcement agency, we would love to work with you to promote safety for all users using the Internet and take the Internet away from users who abuse it. If you have a particular inquiry about an incident, please send an email to admin[@]
What do I need to provide?
- Your name and the law enforcement agency you represent
- Brief summary of the details of the incident that occurred on this website
- Time and Date of the incident
- Chat Room this incident took place in. (For example: teen chat) Including a screenshot of the profile you are looking for will help.
All requests should be made in the body of the email or in PDF format only. Please do not send Microsoft Word documents.
We have a preservation request. How can I submit that and is there any policies we should know about?
All preservation requests can be sent to the email above. Please note that due to the third party software that we use, data can only be kept for a certain period of time. Data cannot be stored indefinitely. Account information is subject to auto-deletion depending on whether it is a guest account or registered user account. Once data is deleted through user action or automated processes, retrieval is not possible. Notably, the auto-deletion process remains unaffected by data preservation requests, search warrants, or subpoenas. We strongly recommend that law enforcement agencies promptly submit their requests via email. Timely submissions enable us to capture screen data related to user registration or website participation, potentially aiding in investigative efforts.
When can I expect a response?
We process requests in the order they are received. The time it takes to respond varies based on the request's complexity and the data needed on our part, ranging from one day to up to one week.
We would like to establish a partnership/cooperation with your website to have easier access to capture criminals in real time. How can we set this up?
Numerous law enforcement agencies have specialized units dedicated to combating online criminal activities, such as those targeting individuals involved in online child exploitation. Presently, we maintain close collaborations with various prominent law enforcement agencies, offering them information and facilitating real-time access as necessary for criminal investigations. If you are a representative of a law enforcement agency, kindly contact us to explore the available options for cooperation.
I am not part of law enforcement, what can I do if I have an incident in the chat rooms to report?
We recommend that all users follow our chat safety guidelines and follow the rules of our chat rooms to keep safe. If you have an incident of an illegal nature to report, we suggest to do so by first reaching out to a moderator or admin through the chat room or forums. If this is regards to an immediate emergency situation where your life is in danger, please contact 911 or your local law enforcement. They can then get in touch with us using the methods outlined above.