You have recently attempted to access our kids chat room. However, your age is under 13. #1 Chat Avenue provides this notice to tell you that we require prior verifiable parental or guardian consent prior to the knowing collection of Personal Information from children under the age of 13 to register and/or access our platform and services. In order to participate you must have a parent or guardian access this webpage and follow the instructions below for details on how to send a consent form for review. Please invite your parent or guardian to this page now.
Dear Parents and Guardians: Please take the time to read our terms of service as well as our privacy policy. We respect the privacy of all users and never share your Personal Information with others unless requested by Law Enforcement. Any cookies, email addresses or IP addresses obtained are recorded as part of the necessary requirements for participation and use of our services only.
You can download the Parental/Guardian Consent Form and have your parent or guardian complete the form and send a digital scanned copy back to us by email at: admin[@]
We reserve the right to verify that the sender of the consent form is indeed the parent or legal guardian. This may include requesting further identification or a phone number where someone will contact you to verify more information. If your consent form is approved, we will send an email to your parent or guardian with an internally created registered account using their email address and a randomly assigned password. You can change the password afterwards within your profile. You will not be able to change the email. We will keep this information indefinitely for record purposes and verification of consent. If your parent or guardian does not hear back from us within 5 days, your application or consent form has been rejected and you will not be able to participate on our platform. If your consent form is rejected, all information provided will be deleted.
Thank you for your compliance of our rules and we look forward to serving you in the future.