1. Are these chat rooms safe and free?
This site is for general audiences but you MUST be 13 or over to participate in the chat rooms. The chat rooms do not collect any personal information and does not share any other information (from emails it receives or forum registration) to third parties. Go back to the main page for a complete list of free chat rooms available. #1 Chat Avenue does it's best to supply it's users with a safe environment for chatters of all ages. The rooms are staffed by volunteer moderators who may or may not be present in the chat room at the time of your use. Please remember that a child's safety is the responsibility of the child's parents. Please do not give out any personal information to strangers, no matter how trustworthy they may seem. This site is extremely safe when you follow the rules found on our Chat Safety page.
2. Are there any age requirements?
This site is for general audiences but you MUST be 13 or over to participate in the chat rooms or other areas of this website. Some rooms have specific minimum and/or maximum age limit requirements and will be indicated as such. When you enter a chat room, you agree to the age disclaimer for each room.
3. Are the chat rooms gender specific?
Generally speaking they are not. We do have rooms that are more geared towards a certain sex or gender. For example, the girls chat rooms are for girls only and the boys chat rooms are for boys only. Other than those, there is not a gender specific limitation.
4. Do you have a privacy policy?
Aside from IPs being logged to investigate violating chat users and emails used for registered users, the chat rooms do not collect any personal information and does not share any other information (from emails it receives for chat or forum registration) to third parties. For further info, the please read our Privacy Policy.
5. Where can I report someone violating the age limit requirements or is attempting to exploit minors?
Although it is very difficult to verify a persons age, we at #1 Chat Avenue take these violations very seriously. Please report any violators to a moderator or the Admin. Please provide the chat users name, the room, and time of incident. We will investigate the matter through our logs. The most important is to follow proper chat safety etiquette. Please refer to the Chat Safety page for some more tips.
6. Can I advertise my own website in the chat rooms or my social network account?
Absolutely not! Those that are caught advertising will be kicked or banned from the room permanently. You are also not allowed to post your social networking account from linkedin, Twitter, Facebook or Snapchat in public or on your profile. Those will be removed and you risk yourself being kicked from the room or banned.
7. Can I flood the chat rooms by repeating the same messages over and over?
No. There are security features in place to prevent that from happening. However, it still can be done but at a much slower pace. Those that are caught will be kicked and/or banned. Repeat offenders will be banned permanently.
8. I see other names in different colors, who are they?
These are our moderators and/or administrators. They basically watch over the chat rooms to make sure every chatter is behaving. Sometimes they can be recognised by the icon beside their name. Either in the form of a crown or a star.
9. I want to become a moderator or an administrator. How do I apply?
Becoming a mod or admin requires a lot of hard work and dedication. If you feel you have what it takes, please contact that admin of the room you want to apply for. The names can be found on the Contact Us page.
10. It says that I have been banned or kicked. How long does that last?
Minimum kick is for 5 minutes and maximum of 6 hours. Bans can range as high as a lifetime ban for more serious chat violations. If you have been banned, then you must have violated a rule in a very serious manner.
11. Can I use my mobile or tablet device to chat?
Yes, all of the chat rooms are fully compatible with Android, iOS and Windows tablets and smart phones. Simply click the CHAT NOW button found on each page. It will instantly connect you to the chat.
Here is what the button appears as:
This button will not be found on desktop and laptop computers. You many continue to access the chat rooms via the embedded nickname field and "Chat Now" button. We do have a specific chat room called mobile chat which is used by mobile users only. Please note: Some rooms will take you directly to the chat room without a button.
12. Which chat rooms allow webcam use?
There are only a select few rooms that allow webcams. The following chat rooms have cam options:
Adult Chat - Only 18 years of age and older allowed.
Cam Chat - Only 18 years of age and over. Younger users must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Gay Chat - Only 18 years of age and older allowed.
Sex Chat - Only 18 years of age and older allowed.
Teen Chat - Users 13-19 years of age allowed.
Video Chat - Users 13 and above.
You are reminded that the upmost caution must be taken when using webcams. Somebody could be recording everything you are doing on your cam. Please be wary.
13. Do you work with law enforcement agencies to catch criminals hiding behind their computers to exploit other users?
Yes, we do. We will cooperate fully with any accredited law enforcement agency to catch users exploiting other users in our chat rooms. We have worked with agencies from around the world in the past including Interpol, the FBI and Homeland Security. We will not hesitate to do so in the future. If you have any issues that you feel may cause harm to others, we suggest you seek professional help to deal with those issues. The last thing you want is to end up in prison. We also advise our users to follow the safety precautions and rules of the site. The intention of our rooms is for you all to enjoy in a comfortable and safe environment.